Posted by Pastor Moses

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones
Proverbs 17:22

The Hebrew word merry means a rejoicing and glad heart. Doctors say that 75% of all people who are hospitalized are suffering from diseases that stem from the pressure that they put upon themselves; they don’t live a happy, joyful life. They have allowed situations to affect their health.

People have different temperaments. Some internalize their problems, and some people act them out, but both of them will wind up in a place where they need healing for their body. Dry bones are brittle bones, easily broken. In other words, if you don’t learn to have joy, you will be easily broken.

In Mark 4, Jesus says that the Word is like seed planted in the ground by a farmer, who then goes to bed and gets up. This is my paraphrase: as a Christian, you plant your seed then go to bed. You get up and laugh at the devil and at the circumstance. Even when you don’t feel like laughing, you do so anyway. Then you exercise patience. God’s Word will always come to pass.

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